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Communiqué de presse : culture

The Short Food Movie project is looking for video makers. Upload your short film now, the deadline is getting closer

Fondazione Cinema per Roma

Communiqué le 05/03/2015
Filmmakers from all over the world, professionals and amateurs, Short Food Movie – Feed Your Mind, Film Your Planet is looking for you. To join the global video contest, short films on the Milano Expo 2015 themes: “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life” must be uploaded online by and no later than March 10th, 2015.

The Short Food Movie project - promoted by the Fondazione Cinema per Roma and by the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia, and selected by Expo Milano 2015 (Italy, May 1st – October 31st) to promote the event around the world - aims to create social awareness on the issues explored by the Universal Exhibition using new technologies and social medias. Short Food Movie is also an artistic project: all the short films uploaded by March 30th will form a 600 square meters video installation located in the Pavilion Zero during the Expo: a huge multicultural digital mosaic curated by artistic director Davide Rampello, creating a collective storytelling.

The call is open to everybody (minors included) who wishes to take part in this planetary event uploading a short film (30 to 60 seconds long) on the multilingual web platform The videos can be shot with any device (video cameras, smartphones, tablets etc.) in any format (AVI, MPG, MPEG, MOV, MP4, WMV). Among the 15 videos gaining more votes online, a jury chaired by director Ferzan Ozpetek will choose the best 3 short films and award their directors a trip to Milan and the tickets to the Expo. Furthermore, other special prizes will be awarded in the “Food & Wellness” and United Nations “Zero Hunger Challenge” categories.

For further information: 

The deadlines | Upload your videos by and no later than:
March 10th to join the contest and win a trip to Milan.
March 30th to be part of the global video installation at Expo Milano 2015.

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WeChat ID: shortfoodmovie​

For further press releases:

Contact presse :
​International Press Office
Short Food Movie – Feed Your Mind, Film Your Planet

Fondazione Cinema per Roma
Viale Pietro de Coubertin, 10
00196 Rome

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