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eLearning Africa 2017 - 12th International Conference on ICT for Development, Education and Training


Communiqué le 07/04/2017

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eLearning Africa is the key networking event for ICT enhanced education and training in Africa. Bringing together high-level policy makers, decision makers and practitioners from education, business and government, eLearning Africa 2017 will take place from 27 - 29 September in Port Louis, Republic of Mauritius. Serving as a pan-African platform, the eLearning Africa conference is a must for those who want to develop multinational and cross-industry contacts and partnerships, as well as enhance their knowledge, expertise and abilities. eLearning Africa takes place in a different African country each year, and the conference languages are English, French and Arabic. eLearning Africa attracts education professionals, investors and providers of education and training.

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