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Communiqué de presse : tourisme

Call for cities!

Creative Tourism Network

Communiqué le 06/10/2010
Chers amis,
Nous serions heureux de vous accueillir lors de la Conférence Internationale autour du Tourisme Créatif qui aura lieu à Barcelone les 9 et 10 décembre  prochains.

Dear urban planners, policy makers, destination managers, this call should be of your
The International Conference on Creative Tourism that will take place in Barcelona, on
December 9th-10th, offers you the opportunity to show your destination's assets to
welcome creative and participative tourism.
The call is open to a wide range of destinations – villages, cities, areas – that already propose creative
and participative activities for visitors or have assets to develop this new tourist trend.
Our purpose is to networking with those destinations, in order to promote them and
increase creative visitors' mobility.
Created by operators from Barcelona, Paris and Roma, this network aims to offer a wide diversity
of destinations, with creative atmosphere as a common denominator.
We propose you to make a brief exposition of your destination from its participative
or creative point of view. The audience is composed by tourist professionals, cultural
operators and media.
This presentation could be promoted through our communication.
To apply, you just have to send us a text - minimum 10 lines – in which you mention the
elements that make your destination a nice place for creative tourism:
As an example (no exhaustively):
- Initiatives of creative and participative tourism (ex: meeting with locals, etc,),
- Historic context, tangible and intangible heritage,
- Presence of artists, cultural activities, festivals, music school, etc.
- Infrastructures ; venues: theatres, cultural centers, artist residencies,
- Other infrastructures, ...
Please, do not forget to facilitate your contact. (E-mail)
+ information:
Dear colleagues and friends,
We would be very delighted to welcome you at the occasion of the International Conference on Creative Tourism, that will take place  in Barcelona, on the next December, 9th and 10th.

Contact presse :
Laia Zieger

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Lusopassion, le magazine des cultures lusophones, le magazine des cultures lusophones en France
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